Royal Crown Horse Sale

The Royal Crown horse sales allows stallion owners and breeders that have bred to a Royal Crown Stallion an opportunity to consign their horses and earn those horses Royal Crown eligibility. This year we are offering 86 horses that are Royal Crown eligible! Start shopping them now!
The following lots are scratched:
25X supplement
The LIVE auction begins promptly at 5pm MST on August 14th. High Speed internet is required for best online bidding results. Bids can NOT be retracted or deleted. Place absentee/max/proxy bids starting Friday, August 13th at 9am MST. Your max bid will not be displayed but the system will bid for you against other bidders. Remember when you click, you buy? Lot 0 will be available for you to practice bidding on. Click to bid!
For any questions related to the actual auction and horses, please contact Matt Zancanella @ 605-695-4797. Have questions strictly about registering to bid or any questions related to online bidding? Call MM Auction Services @ 877-725-3636. Lots will not be available for bidding until Friday, August 13th. Bidders are required to be registered to bid no later than noon the day before the sale.